
Hyde Park Bank Real Estate Lending Center

Hyde Park Bank Real Estate Lending Center

Numbers Taking Shape

Transform dollars into architecture. That’s exactly what Hyde Park Bank’s real estate loan professionals help property developers do every day. We decided to manifest that concept—transforming numbers into geometry, volume, and structure—visually in wall treatments and signage for the bank’s new commercial real estate lending center.

As an extension of umbrella branding and main bank signage programs we developed for the bank, Grillo Group created interior and exterior signage, an exterior mural, and three interior wallpaper patterns. Each of these applications helped to communicate the substance and promise of the financial business being transacted inside this gem of a building designed by Florian Architects. 

Without compromising architectural integrity, the Grillo Group’s intelligently conceived environmental design increased the impact and functionality of the building. Experts at collaborating and expanding on marketing and identity concepts as part of a team, their work is effective, lively, and elegant.

Paul Florian, Florian Architects


Awards, Recognition, News
This project was honored by the prestigious American Institute of Architects AIA Chicago and AIA Illinois with awards for interior design and was featured in Interior Design Magazine.

Brand extension
Interior wall covering series
Exterior mural
Interior and exterior signage program
Numbers taking shape, becoming volume.
Wall coverings tell the bank's story. The one pictured above contains references to their 85 year history.
Exterior mural design reappears inside.
The "data wall" uses 0s and 1s to create a pattern with movement and depth that complements the architecture and refers to the bank's tech saavy.
Location photography © Barbara Karant