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Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center | Branding, Development, Website, Environment

Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center

Solid support when and where you need it most.

During our decades long collaboration with Turning Point, Grillo Group has gained a deep understanding of the behavioral health center’s key stakeholders, services, achievements, and challenges.

As Turning Point has matured into an essential community resource, partner, and leader, we’ve helped to communicate the center’s strengths more effectively, to articulate the case for philanthropic support, and to add more effective signage, environmental branding, and visual appeal to the physical space.

In 2020, the impact of the COVID pandemic and a changing economy required a reshuffling of priorities in mental health care delivery. As a result, the State of Illinois allocated funds to Turning Point and select other organizations to deliver mobile crisis response services to the communities they serve.

This expansion of Turning Point’s crisis response capabilities combined with its continued growth highlighted the need to rearticulate and reposition the brand to most accurately represent Turning Point today.

Based on extensive stakeholder research and a thorough competitive analysis, we developed new brand messaging and design elements to show Turning Point in action as experts, teachers, and community leaders along its many avenues of recovery and support.

Rather than change the visual brand, we refreshed and refined it to take advantage of it’s equity, emphasize the center’s full name and to highlight the updated tagline, which reflects the expanded crisis response service offerings.

We also created a new website to facilitate fast, easy access for key stakeholders—individuals in crisis or need, referral sources, community partners, service providers, staff, policy makers, and donors—to the information and services they seek.

Twenty years ago, Grillo Group revolutionized our community mental health center branding. Their creativity and professionalism stood the test of time and the words and images they developed still feel fresh and accurate today. So, this year—as we expand our services and deepen our community partnerships—we knew that only Maria Grillo should lead the reconsideration of our branding. Once again, she and her colleagues studied our current programs and services, talked with our stakeholders, discussed new program innovations with our team, and developed a new set of brand communications that is compelling and enlivening, yet still faithful to our values and our history. Maria’s best skill is the way she blends her keen intellect with her openness, understanding, and compassion for our work.

Ann Fisher Raney, AM, LCSW, Chief Executive Officer, Turning Point Behavioral Health Care Center


Client success
The response to this brand has been positive consistently and overwhelmingly, for many years. Among the most memorable comments are those from Turning Point clients and other key stakeholders made directly to us about the professionalism and dedication of the leadership and staff, the quality of care provided, and how welcome and at home they feel in the spaces we helped to create for them.

Stakeholder research/interviews
SWOT analysis
Competitive analysis
Brand positioning, message hierarchy
Brand identity, tagline, guidelines, rollout plan
Communications plan, tactics identification, budget, calendar
Case statement
Referral source communications
Brand extensions to program identities and collateral
Event communications and signage
Interior design, super-graphics, art selection
Interior and exterior signage programs
The refreshed brand is bold, warm, and direct, emphasizing the center’s full name and updated tagline which reflects the expanded crisis response service offerings.
New, user-focused website helps stakeholders find what they are looking for quickly and easily.
Candid, authentic images show the Turning Point community in action—engaged, interacting, experiencing, connecting, and growing.
Red is used to highlight crisis response branding and related content.
Client and staff stories showcase personal turning points in their recovery journeys and careers.
A key differentiator for Turning Point is Turning Point Academy. In addition to professional care providers, Turning Point staff are experts, teachers, and mentors.
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Turning Point case for giving cover and interior spreads.
Ann Fisher Raney, AM, LCSW, Chief Executive Officer, Turning Point; Photo © Genie Lemieux Jordan
The color palette expresses Turning Point’s brand personality—warm, welcoming, bright. Orange is the primary brand color. Red is used for crisis response branding and related content. Green and blue complement the warmth of the orange and red. Grays add depth to typography and support graphics.
Refreshed branding highlights Turning Point’s enhanced crisis response services online and in the field, Turning Point Living Room, and Turning Point Academy.
Notecards for everyday use and donor thank you postcard package.
Client reception and waiting area design includes Nelson® Pendant Lamps, Nelson™ Ball Clock, kid’s clubhouse and furniture by Room&Board. Black and white Midwestern landscape photography © Michael L. Anderson.
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Exterior signage.
Location photography © Willa Kratz